
Bernadette Koscielniak

Social Media Marketing Manager

Global Social Media Marketing

Bernadette Koscielniak is a digital and social media marketing professional. In her current role, her responsibilities center on social media listening and analytics. She leads delivery of the monthly Brand Listening report which monitors and analyzes online conversations about the Cisco Brand.

Bernadette has over 10 years experience in high tech and business-to-business marketing and in previous roles was a web site strategist, web program manager, and web producer. Outside of work Bernadette enjoys spending time with her husband and their two boys, and printing in her letterpress studio.


December 3, 2012


New Cisco Social Media Listening Center #CiscoListens

Listening is our “North Star” and here at Cisco we are using insights from social listening to help guide and inform our social media strategy and enable meaningful engagements with our customers. Thanks to everyone who joined us on October 24th for the launch of our new Social Media Listening Cente…